Monday, May 21, 2012

boy meets girl\\ ooohh, relationships

MY FRIENDS! How was your weekend? Mine was awesome and I learned some cool stuff...about something called relationships. Yeah. You probably don't know this but one of my favorite things to talk about in the whole wide world is that. Relationships. So, guess what I'm writing about today!? Yeah, right. Relationships. :)

I went to a bible study Saturday night and got to listen to a whole thing about relationships - stuff that I'll definitely want to keep in mind for when that cool guy comes around. It was also nice because a guy talked about it, so it was really awesome to hear what it's like out of a guy's mind. Everything you see written like this was what he said word by word. Just letting you know. SO... I'm not going to share the entire thing on this blog, but his wife, Jessica, has an awesome blog, which you can check out here.

First things first, I just gotta say the one thing I remember most. This is what he said about "I love you." It means, "I don't think this will ever end." Yeah. That's what he said and I basically flopped over and died. Amen.

Date to get married! He said, Do not give your heart to a guy who is not committed to you. Plus, he talked about this, keep the relationship in the light. You know how some people keep their relationships, in a way, secret? I mean, why would you keep your relationship in the dark? It should be something you're happy about. He said, If you keep it in the dark, it shows your weak. Keep your relationship in the light. So cool, man. So cool.

Okay, and one thing I always wonder about is kissing. You know, save it...keep it. confusing. He talked a little bit about that and he said, Kissing is probably going to take you in the wrong direction. It makes sense. A lot of people say that after the first kiss it grows to other, bigger stuff. But the first kiss seems so hard to save! Ahhh... I don't know.

He talked for hours and it was completely awesome. I learned so much that I'll definitely use for future reference. I would share more, but it's sorta awkward to write about on a blog. Yeah, I'll just leave it at that. So, what are your thoughts on all of this? I'd love to know. :)


1 comment:

  1. I read this a while ago, but am just now commenting. (At the time, too much was going on) But I love this topic and I love hearing what you have been learning. It's tough trying to find your limits and boundaries before you are in a relationship and even harder when you are finally in one for the first time. I had some awesome christian mentors growing up that I seriously looked up to. I had a few teachers that waited till their wedding day for their first kiss. I also have this awesome aunt and uncle whose story I admired. My uncle had made a decision to wait for his first kiss. I guess he figured he couldn't handle what it would lead to once they got started. My aunt, on the other hand, had other intentions. They both were brought up differently. My uncle was from a good strong christian home, and my aunt was froma divorced family with an absentee father, who when he finally did come back into his kids lives, taught them worldly values like safe sex at the age of 12. It was ridiculous. My aunt was a christian when they started dating, but she still had nt mentally prepared herself for dating a pure christian like my uncle. It was a rough beginning for them. She felt that she needed it at the time and he was adamant about saving it. They broke up for a short while, they were both firm in what they needed. Of course, breaking up did not last long. My uncle came back ready for compromise. Kissing with limits. I remember when my aunt decided to introduce my uncle to my grandfather for the first time. We all lived in Southern California and my grandpa lived in Oregon. To help them keep accountable and pure, they brought me along for their road trip up. They decided that if kissing was allowed, then it needed to be chaste and never alone. I thought that was awesome. They were both adults when dating. I think they were close to 27 yrs. old when they did get married, and it would have been so easy for them to take things too far. I think having plans ahead of time is essential. You need to know what you want before hormones and ideas of love and passion screw up your head in the moment. But I also think their needs to be a backup compromise (to a limit) plan in place. My aunt and uncle have an awesome family. They are amazing. I look up to them soo much, even now. They have 5 amazing kids who can do anything and do it very well. They have a beautiful home and are completely in love with God. Before I started dating, I had every intention of saving my kisses for marriage. I ended up compromising a bit. But the point was that my kisses were not given away like they meant little to me. They were special and a gift. All my memories and all my firsts were with David, my husband. I dated to marry. If I didn't see the potential in a guy to be my future husband and father to my children, then he wasn't worth my time. Even if he made me laugh like no other, or was completely charming or drop dead gorgeous...I did not want to get emotionally entangled with the wrong guy and have a failing marriage later. I had a set of standards that a guy had to fill before I could even consider him. And even after that, I always brought God into it. If God didn't back, then we didn't stand a chance. God was everywhere in our relationship. It was awesome. During any tough times through our relationship, if I had any doubts, I could always look back and know without a doubt that God is rooting for us and that David was sent to me specifically from God. I don't have doubts. God is on our side, no matter what happens. And that means everything to me. Just wanted to share my thoughts. I very much liked this topic. And I am excited to hear that you are already preparing yourself. I can't wait to see what God has planned for you. It will be epic...


Psh, comments. I love them. If you have a question, feel free to leave it here, cause hey, I love them too :)